Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor - LoadCell 50kg

Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor - LoadCell 50kg
Harga Rp. 55.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Range (kg) 50
Comprehensive error (% F.S) 0.2
Rated output temperature drift (% F.S/10 ) 0.15
Sensitivity (mv / v) 0.9 0.1
Zero output (mV / V) 0.3
Nonlinearity (% F.S) 0.2
Input resistance () 1000 50
Repeatability (% F.S) 0.1
Output resistance () 1000 50
Hysteresis (% F.S) 0.2
Insulation Resistance (M) 2000 (100VDC)
Creep (% F.S/3min) 0.1
Recommended excitation voltage (V) 5 ~ 10
Zero drift (% F.S/1min) 0.1
Operating temperature range () -10 To +50
Zero temperature drift (% F.S/10 ) 0.2
Overload (% F.S) 150


Resistive Strain Gauge - LoadCell 350 ohm

Resistive Strain Gauge - LoadCell 350 ohm
Harga Rp. 45.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
The high-precision resistive strain gauge full bridge strain gauge GAGE for pressure load cell 350 ohm

Sensor Api - Infrared Receiver 5 channel

Sensor Api - Infrared Receiver 5 channel
Harga Rp. 125.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
1. using Rd flame sensor design, wide detection range ( detection range of common single flame sensors in about 30 Derajat, as the distance increases, the range decreases, the product detection range greater than 120 Derajat )
2. can output a digital signal (high and low), easy-to-use 
3. can output an analog signal (voltage signal) can be more precise measurement signal, for high precision occasions 
4. five outputs all have a status indicator , so whether or debugging is in practice have brought great convenience 
5. digital outputs adjustable detection range , the analog output sensitivity adjustable , design flexibility 
6. using 1% resistor design ( available in the market are made of flame sensor resistance design 5% ), the signal output is more accurate, demand for high-precision measurement occasions 
7. onboard three M3 mounting holes for easy installation 
8. 3.3V-9V power supply, compatible with most of the SCM system 
9. mounted devices all using SMT automatic welding process , Military quality trustworthy

working principle:
This product can detect the wavelength range emitted flames were near infrared 700-1100 nm of shortwave (SW-NIR), output by the electric signal (voltage signal)

Sensor Api - Infrared Receiver 1 channel

Sensor Api - Infrared Receiver 1 channel
Harga Rp. 40.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Module Features:
1, you can detect a flame or a wavelength within the 760 nm to 1100 nm range of the light source, the test flame lighter distance 80cm, for the greater flame, farther test distance 
of about 2, detection angle of 60 degrees, particularly sensitive to flame photometry 
3, sensitivity adjustable (shown in blue digital potentiometer adjustment)
4, the comparator output signal clean, good waveform, driving ability, more than 15mA 
5, with adjustable precision potentiometer sensitivity adjustment 
6, the working voltage of 3.3V-5V 
7, Output form: DO digital switching output (0 and 1) and AO analog voltage output 
8, a fixing bolt hole, easy installation 
9, small plates PCB Size: 3.2 cm x 1.4cm 
10, using a wide voltage comparator LM393

Wiring Product Description:
1, VCC positive power supply 3.3-5V
2, GND power supply is negative
3, DO TTL switching signal output

Module for use:
1, the flame sensor to the flame of the most sensitive to ordinary light is also a reaction, usually used as a flame alarm purposes. 
2, a small plate output interface can be directly connected to the microcontroller IO port 
3, the sensor and the flame to maintain a certain distance, so as not to damage the temperature sensor, the flame of a lighter test distance of 80cm, to the flame, the more distant the test distance 
4, a small plate simulation output mode and the AD conversion process, can achieve higher accuracy 
5, when the sensor detects a flame, sunlight, or infrared light, to reach the threshold set by the potentiometer, the green indicator will light, DO and output low level (about 0-0.1V), the green light is not on, then DO high output voltage of about 3v

Liquid flow sensor 1 inchi

Liquid flow sensor 1 inchi
Harga Rp. 180.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
1. non-severe shock and chemical erosion. 
2. prohibited throw or hit. 
3. medium temperature should not exceed 120 C.
4. wiring, red + black - yellow signal output, NPN signal

Technical parameters 
Scope: Suitable for automatic gas water heaters, air conditioners and swimming pool equipment

Basic parameters
Exterior Product identification clear, accurate compliance
Water pressure resistance > 1.75MPa
Operating voltage range DC5 ~ 24V
Insulation resistance > 100M
Accuracy in 1 ~ 60L \ MIN 3%
Flow pulse characteristics f = (4.8 * Q) Q = L / Min
Low temperature test After standing at a temperature of -20 72h, and placed at room temperature 1h, the first measurement accuracy of 5% by value
Hot test After standing at a temperature of 85 72h, and placed at room temperature 1h, the first measurement accuracy of 5% by value

Liquid Flow Sensor With Temperature

Liquid Flow Sensor With Temperature
Harga Rp. 100.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
With temperature detection wiring: Red + Black - (common line), yellow pulse signal output, green for the temperature signal output,
The main technical parameters

Exterior Product identification clear, accurate compliance
Water pressure resistance > 1.75MPa
Operating voltage range DC5 ~ 15V
Insulation resistance > 100M
Accuracy in 1 ~ 30L \ MIN 10%
Flow pulse characteristics F = (7.5 * Q) Q = L / Min 10%
Output high pulse > DC 4.7V (input voltage DC 5V)
Output Pulse Low DC 0.5V (input voltage DC 5V)
Output pulse duty cycle 50% 10%

Tabel Hubungan suhu dan hambatan 4shared*com/file/isNAED1cce/Tabel_Suhu_Vs_hambatan.html

Sensor Air Funduino

Water Sensor Funduino
Rp. 45.000,-
belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Water level sensor merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi adanya air/tetesan air dengan biaya murah dan mudah digunakan. Terdapat serangkaian konduktor parallel pada sensor yang dapat mendeteksi kedalaman/ketinggian ataupun mendeteksi adanya tetesan air. Output sensor ini adalah sinyal analog yang nantinya dibaca MCU misal arduino untuk selanjutnya diolah agar diketahui kedalaman air.

Tegangan Kerja: DC3-5V
Konsumsi arus: 20mA 
Tipe: Analog
Area Deteksi: 40mm x 16mm
Terperatur Kerja: 10 C to -30 C
Kelembaban: 10% -90% 
Berat: 3.5g
Ukuran: 62mm x 20mm x 8mm

Link Referensi: http://www.instructables.com/id/Water-Level-Sensor-Module-for-Arduino-AVR-ARM-STM3/?ALLSTEPS

Modul Sensor Hujan Foliar

Foliar Raindrops Sensor Module
Harga Rp. 55.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Modul ini bisa dikatakan sebagai sensor hujan, dapat digunakan untuk memonitor kondisi cuaca. Dengan daya 5V, ketika tidak ada air menetes yang mengenai sensor, maka output high namun lampu indikator mati, jika ada air mengenai sensor, output low dan lampu menyala. Analog output dikoneksikan dengan mikrokontroler untuk mengetahui ukuran tetesan air. Digital output untuk mengetahui apakah ada hujan atau tidak.

1 the sensor uses a high-quality double-sided FR-04 materials, the large area of ??5.0 * 4.0CM, and nickel-plated surface, effective against oxidation, conductivity, superior performance and lifetime areas;
2 the comparator output signal clean waveform is good, driving ability, than 15mA;
3 power bits adjust the sensitivity;
4 Working voltage 3.3V-5V
5 the output format: Digital switching output (0 and 1) and analog voltage output AO;
6 with bolt holes for easy installation
7 a small board PCB size: 3.2cm x 1.4cm
8 using a wide voltage LM393 comparator

1 VCC: Suplai daya Positif (3-5V)
2 GND: Negatif suplai
3 DO: TTL switching signal output
4 AO: analog output

Link Referensi: http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Modules-Rain-Sensor/?ALLSTEPS

Sensor Warna TCS230

TCS230 Color sensor
Harga Rp. 100.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
The Color sensor module base on TCS230 which is a programmable color light-to-frequency converter, it could filter RGB data from source light and convert it to a square wave(50% duty cycle) with frequency directly proportional to light intensity (irradiance). The full-scale output frequency can be scaled by one of three preset values via two control input pins(SO, S1 Selectable Options 2%, 20%, 100% frequency),and pin S2, S3 control the filter of RGB. Digital inputs and digital output allow interface to a microcontroller or other logic circuitry directly. Output enable (OE) places the output in the high-impedance state for multiple-unit sharing of a microcontroller input line. At last, user can calculate the color of the light by RGB values.

High-Resolution Conversion of Light Intensity to Frequency
Programmable Color and Full-Scale Output Frequency
Communicates Directly With a Microcontroller
Single-Supply Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
Power Down Feature
Nonlinearity Error Typically 0.2% at 50 kHz
Stable 200 ppm/C Temperature Coefficient
Low-Profile Surface-Mount Package

Modul Sensor Warna GY-31 TCS3200

GY-31 TCS3200 Sensor Color Module
Harga Rp. 100.000,-

Deskripsi :
TCS3200 merupakan konverter yang diprogram untuk mengubah warna menjadi frekuensi yang tersusun atas konfigurasi silicon photodiode dan konverter arus ke frekuensi dalam IC CMOS monolithic yang tunggal. Keluaran dari sensor ini adalah gelombang kotak (duty cycle 50%) frekuensi yang berbanding lurus dengan intensitas cahaya (irradiance). Di dalam TCS3200, konverter cahaya ke frekuensi membaca sebuah array 8x8 dari photodioda, 16 photodioda mempunyai penyaring warna biru, 16 photodioda mempunyai penyaring warna merah, 16 photodioda mempunyai penyaring warna hijau, dan 16 photodioda untuk warna terang tanpa penyaring.

1. Konversi Tinggi Resolusi Intensitas Cahaya ke Frekuensi
2. Warna Diprogram dan Full Skala Frekuensi Keluaran
3. Berkomunikasi Langsung Dengan Microcontroller
4. Pasokan tunggal Operasi (2,7 V sampai 5,5 V)
5. Mempunyai Power Down Fitur
6. Kesalahan Nonlinier Biasanya 0,2% pada 50 kHz
7. Stabil 200 ppm / C Koefisien Suhu
8. Bebas Timbal (Pb) dan RoHS

Link Referensi: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=236840.0

Sensor kelembaban tanah (sensor soil hygrometer)

Soil Moisture Sensor Soil Hygrometer Detection Module
Harga Rp. 65.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Modul ini merupakan sensor air yang simpel, dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi kelembaban tanah. Output modul high ketika kelembaban tanah tinggi, dan low saat kelembaban kurang. Dapat digunakan untuk membuat perangkat pendeteksi kelembaban tanah pada sebuah pot tanaman pada kebun, sehingga bisa mengurangi pekerjaan seseorang. Tingkat sensitivitas dapat ditambahkan dengan membutar potensiometer.

Tegangan Kerja: 3-5V
Dual Output, output analog lebih akurat
Ukuran: 30mm*16mm
Ukuran Probe: 60mm*30mm
Indikator daya merah
Memiliki chip LM393 sebagai komparator.

Pin definition
DO Digital output interface (0 and 1)
AO Analog output interface

Link Referensi: http://www.instructables.com/id/WATERING-SYSTEM-INTRODUCTION/?ALLSTEPS

Liquid flow sensor transparan

Liquid flow sensor transparan
Harga Rp. 90.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Basic parameters
1. ExteriorProduct identification clear, accurate compliance
2. Water pressure resistance > 1.75MPa
3. Operating voltage range DC5 ~ 15V
4. Insulation resistance > 100M
5. Accuracy in 1 ~ 30L \ MIN 10%
6. Flow pulse characteristics(5 * Q) Q = L / Min 3%
7. Output high pulse> DC 4.7V (input voltage DC 5V)
8. Output Pulse Low DC 0.5V (input voltage DC 5V)
9. Output pulse duty cycle 50% 10%

Sensor Tekanan (0-2,5 MPa)

Sensor Tekanan (0-2,5 MPa)
Harga Rp. 375.000,-
belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Diameter 1/2", stainless steel enclosure
Basic parameters,
input voltage 12V, 
output 0.5-4.5V, 
range 0-2.5MPa
Static accuracy: 1.0% FS
wide range of temperature compensation
media Suitable non-corrosive gases, water, oil,
for fireplaces , gas stoves, cylinders and other hydraulic and pneumatic pressure measurement

VCC= kabel merah 
Out= kabel biru 
GND= kabel hitam

SHT11- sensor Suhu dan kelembaban

SHT11- sensor Suhu dan kelembaban
Harga Rp. 290.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Modul sht11 merupakan modul sensor suhu dan kelembabab relatif dari sensirion. Modul ini dapat digunakan sebagai alat pengindra suhu dan kelembababn dalam aplikasi pengendali suhu dan kelembaban ruangan maupun hanya sebagai pemantau ruangan saja.

1. Berbasis sensor suhu dan kelembaban relatif Sensirion SHT11.
2. Mengukur suhu dari -40C hingga +123,8C, atau dari -40F hingga +254,9F dan kelembaban relatif dari 0%RH hingga 1%RH.
3. Memiliki ketetapan (akurasi) pengukuran suhu hingga 0,5C pada suhu 25C dan ketepatan (akurasi) pengukuran kelembaban relatif hingga 3,5%RH.
4. Memiliki atarmuka serial synchronous 2-wire, bukan I2C.
5. Jalur antarmuka telah dilengkapi dengan rangkaian pencegah kondisi sensor lock-up.
6. Membutuhkan catu daya +5V DC dengan konsumsi daya rendah30 W.
7. Modul ini memiliki faktor bentuk 8 pin DIP 0,6sehingga memudahkan pemasangannya.

Link Referensi: http://www.instructables.com/id/VISUALIZE-humidity-with-the-SHT11-sensor/step3/Program-Arduino/

PIR Motion Sensor

PIR Motion Sensor
Rp. 45.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
Sensor PIR(passive infrared receiver) berfungsi untuk mendeteksi adanya gerakan dengan cara mengukur radiasi sinar inframerah dari suatu objek dalam cakupan tertentu. Sensor ini merespon enerti dari pancaran sinar inframerah pasif yang dimiliki oleh setiap benda yang terdeteksi seperti tubuh manusia. Sangat sesuai saat ingin membuat perangkat pendeteksi gerakan, seperti home security yang terpasang pada pagar, pintu atau tempat lainnya.

Ukuran: 3.2cm x 2.4cm x 1.8cm (approx)
Tingkat sensitivitas dapat ditambah.
Range kerja: DC 4.5V- 20V
Bekerja pada arus: 60uA 
Output tegangan: High/Low level signal:3.3V output TTL
Jarak Deteksi: 3--7
Waktu tunggu(delay time): 5-200S
Blockade time: 2.5 S (default)
Trigger: L: Non-repeatable trigger H: Repeat Trigger (default)
Bekerja pada temperatur:-20-+80C
Trigger Method: L unrepeatable trigger / H repeatable trigger

Link Referensi: http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Basics-PIR-Sensor/?ALLSTEPS

MQ7 - Sensor Gas CO

MQ7-Sensor Gas CO
Harga Rp. 85.000
belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :
1. Signal output indicator; 
2. Dual Signals output (analog output and TTL output); 
3. TTL output signal is low level, allows to connect with SCM directly; 
4. Analog output 0~5V voltage; 
5. High sensitivity; 
6. Long working lifetime and stable performance; 
7. Quick response and recovery

Chipset: LM393 + MQ-7 sensor; 
Working voltage: DC 3~5V; 
Detecting range: 10~1000ppm
Application Suitable for home / industry CO carbon monoxide detection using
Packing List 1 x CO carbon monoxide sensor module

MQ8-Sensor Gas Hidrogen

MQ8-Sensor Gas Hidrogen
Harga Rp. 85.000,-
belum termasuk ongkir

Deskripsi :

Main chip: the LM393, MQ-8 gas sensor
Working voltage: DC5V
1. With a signal output instructions.
2. Dual signal output (TTL level output and analog output)
3. TTL output valid signal for low level. (when the low output electric signal lights at 4. ordinary times, can be directly pick up SCM)
5. Analog 0 ~ 5 v voltage, the higher the concentration, the higher the voltage.
6. High sensitivity to hydrogen
7. Can be resistant to ethanol steam, LPG (petroleum), smoke interference
8. Has a long service life and reliable stability
9. Quick response recovery features

MMA 7361 ACCELEROMETER ( Sensor Getaran 3D )

Harga Rp. 90.000,-
Belum ongkos kirim

Deskripsi :

This Accelerometer module is based on the popular Freescale MMA7361 three-axis analog accelerometer IC (datasheet here), which reads off the X, Y and Z acceleration as analog voltages. The accelerometer is very easy interface to an Arduino Microcontroller using 3 analog input pins, and can be used with most other microcontrollers, such as the PIC or AVR. 

2x5 pin 0.1" pitch pin headers
Two sensitivity modes 1.5G and 6G
5VDC & 3.3VDC operation
0G detect pin (for linear Free-Fall detection)
Sleep Mode to save on power
Integrated 1 pole low pass filter
Temperature Compensation
Self Test Mode for easy troubleshooting

datasheet : MMA7361

contoh source code arduino
order silahkan menghubungi 0856 488 651 33 (SMS/Telp/WA/Line)

MQ3 - Sensor Gas Ethanol

MQ3- Sensor Gas Ethanol
Harga Rp.75,000,-

Hub. 085648865133 (sms/WA/telp)

100% Brand New, Good Quality
Main Chip: LM393, MQ-3 gas sensor
With the signal output indication
The dual signal output (analog output, and TTL level output)
TTL output valid signal is low level, can connected to micro-controller directly
0 ~ 5V analog output voltage, the higher concentration the higher voltage
With high sensitivity and good selectivity for ethanol vapor detection 
With a long service life and reliable stability
Rapid response and recovery characteristics

Operating voltage: DC 3-5V
alcohol detection range: 10 ~ 1000ppm
Size: 32mm*22mm*22mm(L * W * H)
Weight: 6g

1* MQ-3 Gas Sensor

datasheet : MQ3

contoh source code untuk arduino

order silahkan menghubungi 0856 488 651 33 (SMS/Telp/WA/Line)

Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Liquid Flow Sensor (Sensor Aliran Fluida)

Liquid Flow Sensor (Sensor Aliran Fluida)
Harga Rp. 85.000,-
Belum termasuk ongkir

Hub. 0856 488 651 33 (SMS/Telp/WA/Line)

Deskripsi :
That constant frequency calculation = 7.5 * Unit Flow (L / min) * Time (seconds)
Flow range: 1-30L / min


Suitable for water heaters, water vending machines, and other flow measurement devices

Technical Parameter

1, the lowest rated voltage DC4.5 5V-24V
2, the maximum operating current 15 mA (DC 5V)
3, the operating voltage range DC 5 ~ 18 V
4, load capacity 10 mA (DC 5V)
5, temperature range 80 
6. Operating humidity range 35% ~ 90% RH (no condensation state)
7, allowing pressure The following pressure 1.75Mpa
8, storage temperature -25 ~ + 80 
9, storage humidity 25% ~ 95% RH

Connection details:
Red wire : +5V
Black wire : GND
Yellow wire : PWM output.

Sensor Arus 5A, 20A dan 30A (Current Sensor)

Sensor Arus 5A, 20A dan 30A (Current Sensor)
Harga Rp. 70.000,- 
belum termasuk ongkir

Sensor arus digunakan untuk mendeteksi arus yang menuju beban diubah menjadi tegangan 0-5V, menggunakan chip ACS712ELC-30A yang mampu mendeteksi arus mencapai 30A, dengan daya 5V dan sudah terdapat indikator daya pada board.

- Chip: ACS712ELC-30A;
- Daya 5V dengan indikator led

Link Referensi: 
